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Peer Review Analysis of Land Conversion and Fuction of Rice Production Increase Efforts Padangsidempuan City, North Sumatra
55 years ago
Nurliana Harahap (Medan, 2018)

Agricultural land conversion is caused by internal factors (urban growth, demography and economy); Internal factors (age, age, education level, number of dependents, dependence of land), and regulatory factors that affect growth, especially agricultural sector. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors and magnitude of the influence of each independent variable (X) on conversion of landeconomics give influence equal to 42,5%, while internal variable (X2) that is age, age, education level, land dependence gives 38.0% value and regulation variable (X3) as much as 20.4%. The rate of land transfers in Padangsidempuan city is high, about 3% per year so that the area of rice field in 2012 is 4,145 hectares which is estimated in 2033 to live 1,616 Ha. It is expected that local government of Padangsidempuan do socialization, implication and evaluation of land use change in Padangs (Y). This research used survey method conducted in September 2017 until December 2017 to 45 farmers of respondents in six sub-districts in Padangsidempuan City, namely Padangsidempuan (Ps) Utara; Ps. Tenggara; Ps. Selatan; Ps. Batunadua; Ps.Timur ; a and Ps. Angkola Julu. The data collected were analysed in combination, descriptively and regression analysis. The results showed independent variables (X) influence the significance of the variable Y with the value of F (2.45) = 4.714, p <0.05). Furthermore, there are real influence from each variable, that is: external variable (X1) consist of urban growth, demography and idempuan City, Northof Sumatera.